Keep Calm. Sing On.

Want to know what my own voice sounds like? Take a listen below!

Alleluia: O Maria rubens rosa

The specific version of this Alleluia chant comes from the 14th century Swiss codex Engelberg 314 and was traditionally, in the Germanic regions, sung either on feasts of the BVM or on the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost. Unlike most chants from earlier centuries which almost never have intervals of 7ths and octaves, this chant has both!

NOTE: This was recorded after suffering and recovering from vocal nodes, due to several, repeated throat maladies. My complete vocal rehabilitation and development is still ongoing.

Offertory: Stetit Angelus

On September 29 we celebrate the feast of St Michael the Archangel and at the Offertory of the Mass, we sing this most beautiful of chants, "Stetit Angelus".

NOTE: This was recorded after suffering and recovering from vocal nodes, due to several, repeated throat maladies. My complete vocal rehabilitation and development is still ongoing.

We Three Kings

This was recorded at the Cathedral of Cologne, Germany on Dec 30, 2024 as part of the Floriani ensemble (two of the singers were fill-ins for our regular members). Behind us, in the golden reliquary, are the remains of the three kings.

Let’s work together
